HomeNEWSFounder's Farewell

Founder’s Farewell

Elenie Martinez and Sabor Latino Co-Founder Michael Lopez/Kate Pierce

Staff Writer

As the graduating class says goodbye to the college community, one graduating senior who’s left a mark on the Hispanic community at Saint Rose is saying goodbye to her legacy.

Elenie Martinez is graduating from the School of Math and Sciences with a bachelor of science degree in criminal justice behavior law. After college Martinez plans to pursue a Masters Degree in public and non-profit management at NYU Wagner starting in the fall.

Martinez says that majoring in public and non-profit management will allow her to gain experience needed to work for the criminal justice issues for the public. In the future she hopes to help her community by organizing, coordinating, and advocating for resources to help the system progress.

“I still live in the hood and know the struggles that my family and friends go through daily so I want to make an impact firsthand by being the voice and go to anyone who needs help,” said Martinez.

During her senior year Martinez held two internships through the criminal justice department. Currently she is a legislative intern in the District Council 37, where she has learned about New York State politics and lobbying. She learned how bills were passed and the different factors that played a role in it, including the do’s and don’ts of lobbying. Prior to working for District Council 37 she interned Albany’s District Attorney’s office in the crime victims unit.

While she was focusing on her career, Martinez helped to diversify the campus by founding Sabor Latino, the first Hispanic dance team at Saint Rose. She founded the team during her junior year with fellow graduating senior Michael Lopez and founding members Keneth Diaz, Yanierez Diaz, Dayana Pichardo, Carlos Mora, and Luis Rodriguez. Sabor Latino means a lot to Martinez and she is proud of the things the team has done thus far.

“I’m excited to see the amazing work things Sabor Latino’s first new e-board will accomplish,” said Martinez.

Although Martinez will no longer be at Saint Rose to guide the team. She made sure to leave the team in good hands. Next year’s president Liana Morales will miss Martinez and the memories they have created together.

“One of my favorite moments was when we were able to chat once in the main lounge before I became president. I asked her for advice and things along that line of what she’d like to see for the future of Sabor Latino,” said Morales.

She describes Martinez as a highly responsible and an important person to the team. As vice president of Sabor Latino Martinez is described as a sweet and dependable leader that anyone can got to.

“I also love performing with her and getting her criticism after performances. She tends to look at the positives of our performances and hypes us up about future performances,” said Morales.

Morales first encountered Martinez during the spring semester of 2017, around the time Sabor Latino was founded. However, Morales mentions that she has always known about Martinez because she was an orientation leader during her freshman year.

Lopez says that graduating high school and college with the love of his life has been amazing.

“In contrast to other college students, my experience differed from many because I was able to attend college with the love of my life. Elenie was able to make my college experience one that I will never forget,” said Lopez.

During his time at Saint Rose Lopez witnessed Martinez go through a journey of finding self independence and strength. He says that his fondest memory with her at Saint Rose was in the summer of 2016 when she started her natural hair journey.

That summer Martinez participated in the “big chop” in which she cut most of her hair in an effort for her hair to regrow healthier. “She’s cut it and her growth is truly jaw dropping,” said Lopez.

Her hair growth isn’t the only thing that’s grown since that summer. Lopez saisd he was able to grow because Martinez helped to teach him how to be an independent man all while finding her own independence.

Lopez said that having a girlfriend on campus is one of the best things to do and he’s happy he’s done it. He hopes that he and Martinez will live fulfilling and happy lives together.

“I still don’t feel like I’m graduating. I feel like I’ve been here forever and the thought of not being here anymore does not seem real, it’s so surreal” said Martinez.


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