HomeNEWSHave a say: recap of SA

Have a say: recap of SA

Co-Executive Editor

On March 17, Student Association held their weekly general meeting over Zoom. The week’s special order was Myles Clendenin, assistant director for housing at Residence Life. Clendenin’s job is more behind-the-scenes as he works with facilities, room changes, and dining services and meal plans. As room selection for the 2021 to 2022 school year is approaching, Clendenin is involved in helping students navigate their living situations.

One major change that Clendenin addressed was that students must live on campus for their second year for those whose permanent address is more than 60 miles from the college. This means freshmen first-year students are required to reapply for housing as they enter their sophomore year.

For themed houses, the LGBTQ+ house, Hahn Hall, is no longer an option due to the low number of students that expressed interest. Despite this, Residence Life is willing to work with students if such concerns are a part of their needs. For example, preferred names and pronouns are new features added onto the application.

Those who are currently enrolled into campus housing have received an email on the room selection timeline. Students must make sure that there are no financial or student conduct holds that would prevent them from getting into their house of choice. Students will receive their lottery number (or their time and date for sign up for housing) based off of class status and randomized.

Clendenin mentioned the importance to make sure students have a back up plan if their first choice does not work out. As open houses will not be available due to COVID-19 restrictions, students are encouraged to look at the floor plans of rooms on the website. Residence Life is also working with the Public Relations department to make rooms available to view virtually.

If a student does not have a roommate but would like one, they can email Residence Life to pair them.

Requirements and restrictions due to COVID-19 for the upcoming school year, such as having overnight guests or non-Saint Rose students visiting campus or having a COVID-19 vaccination being required for living on campus, have not been finalized yet. The college will be taking things step by step.

On March 24, Student Association held their weekly general meeting over Zoom. The week’s special order was Tina McMahon from the Events Scheduling and Administration office. McMahon spoke about what students can and cannot do on campus in order to follow COVID-19 guidelines. The process used to be students requesting a space for an event via email, but now there is an online form to be filled out.

All the information on the rules and regulations are always subject to change as the guidelines change to follow what the state rules say. According to state guidelines, a maximum of 100 people are permitted in a space to gather at once. The only campus space to fit that many people while promoting social distancing is the Daniel. P Nolan gymnasium. To hold an event, a questionnaire must be completed to keep track of how many people and who is there for contact tracing purposes. On the website can also be found a request to have Interim President Marcia White speak, which will be sent to her office.

The website containing all this information can be found at https://strose.sharepoint.com/sites/EventsCommunication (one’s Saint Rose campus ID and password will be asked upon entry) and if there are any questions pertaining to anything, one can reach out to McMahon at MCMAHONT@mail.strose.edu.

The Student Association executive board mentioned that their elections are coming up and reminded students that an interest meeting must be attended if they are interested in running for a position. Students can run for any role (only one) that they would like to and then petition for them to be on the ballot.

“Petitioning will model what we did last year, all candidates will be given a google form/bit.ly link and you will complete that as your ‘signature,’” said McClellan.

Johanna Campbell, from Spectrum ALANA, spoke about their Women’s Appreciation Week social media campaign, which took place from March 22 through March 26. This campaign was found on their Instagram account at @spectrumalana_ .


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