HomeNEWSWhy YOU Should Vote

Why YOU Should Vote

Staff Writer

People always have something they’re not satisfied with. Whether they don’t like a certain color or a certain piece of clothing doesn’t fit them right, but how big of an impact does that have on their daily life? Not much. However, the same can’t be said about voting.

Voting is such an important factor in improving our country, and it only happens twice. First, the most common election people know about are the presidential elections that occur every four years. The next are the midterm elections that a lot of people are unaware of which happens every two years. These midterm elections decide who gets voted in into the House of Representatives and the Senate. In our current administration this is to be considered the most important elections ever!

With more of the younger generation getting exposed to politics and how the government works, it’s important to push others to vote. Many reasons why people don’t vote is because it’s either too far, time consuming or just doesn’t matter to them. During the last midterm elections based off of fairvote.org, “about 60 percent of the voting eligible population votes during presidential election years, and about 40 percent votes during midterm elections.”

The midterm elections rarely get the much-needed press coverage that the presidential election gets. Personally, the midterm elections are more important because if Democrats or Republicans hold the majority over the house and senate then they can override a presidential veto if the president oversteps his/her authority or if they try to prevent an important law from passing. Meaning that the president must be able to work with the legislative branch and vice-versa.

Voting is essential because it’s the voice and power that the people have to make a change to their country when it comes to government. I’m sure we can all agree that the past couple of months the current actions taken by the Republican senators have left people in shock and anger. That’s exactly why it’s important to encourage people to vote.

Tell your friends, family and others. I can’t vote because I’m still 17, but I’m very passionate about politics. Since I can’t vote I don’t just turn the other cheek and forget about the elections. I call my parents and tell them who I would vote for, I text my friends and ask if they plan to vote and why they should. I take initiative to share my ideals so that even if I can’t physically vote, then perhaps others can in my place.

Don’t forget to vote on Tuesday November 6, 2018 in the Pine Hills Library, 517 Western Ave. Polls open at 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.


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