HomeOPINIONWhat Now?

What Now?

Co-Executive Editor

I am surprised, disappointed, afraid, and confused.

This is a situation where I would normally use humor to mask my fear and confusion, but I do not believe the events that transpired last night are a laughing matter.

A man with no military or political experience, who preaches his profane and disturbing lifestyle to a primary audience of uneducated white people, who’s claim to fame is hosting a reality television show, who’s skin is so orange and hair so thin and wispy you question which one to mock first – a man who not only lacks the qualifications to lead a country, but the dignity and grace to deserve it, has been elected President of the United States.

People are fearful, worried, and angry that someone with so little decency has been elected to such a high ranking position because not only does he lead us for the next four years, he represents us.

The face of America, once stoic and strong – is now orange and wrinkly. The brain, once courageous and intelligent – is now filled with hatred and confusion. And the hands of our country, once weathered and cracked from hard work and dedication, remaining open and available to all that needed assistance – now are closed, covered in the wealth and blood of only those we deem worthy of the great benefits our nation once offered to all.

I am surprised, disappointed, afraid, and confused.

I look back to see where it all went wrong. Everyone I’ve ever met, was it them? Did they do this?

I think about all of the classes I sat through, dating back to kindergarten, where we all learned the same alphabet, and the same numbers, were we not also taught decency and common sense? I’m forced to assume there were some who failed to pay attention in U.S. history when stories of slavery and oppression covered the white board and streamed endlessly through the projector on the ceiling.

Was it high school? The bullying and the bad lunches, did that turn people wrong? No, it couldn’t have been that, it couldn’t have been any of this, because this travesty was not committed by anyone that’s spent their entire adult life in jail. We didn’t do this.

Those who did not take the time to educate themselves before voting, those who put themselves before those around them, those who took the words delivered to them as truth and fact and nothing else – they did this.

They took the hopes and the dreams of generations to come and crushed them.

For the first time in my life I feel defeated. I feel as though the future is bleak, and it’s going to take a lot for me to find a bright side in all of the dark clouds that are on their way.

I am surprised, disappointed, afraid, and confused.

My advice for those feeling the same way, do not be silenced. Do not allow yourself or your opinions to be oppressed and shut down, because this will end someday, and we will get our chance to show the world how great America it is, how great it has been, and how great it always will be.

Do not let one man tear down all of the advancements we’ve made over the last two hundred years. We are a nation of intelligence, courage, and greatness, and we will continue to be such things, no matter who it is that’s living in the big white house on Pennsylvania avenue.

As Hillary Clinton said this morning, “Our best days are still ahead of us.”

I hope she’s right – I really do. God bless.



  1. Jonas Miller-
    You give me the shivers when I see & hear how adult you are. You have become a thoughtful young man who leaves a positive mark on your work, your friends, and your family.
    It is not surprising that you and many others of your age are amazed and confused. So are your parents and grandparents.
    Please do not let disappointment ruin your life. You are strong and wise. Please continue using your brain to make others think and act in ways that will strengthen our great country.
    Sincerely, CSMiller

  2. Well said Jonas. Your intelligent articulation of what I could not find words to express gives me much hope.

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