HomeOPINIONWhat are you thankful for Saint Rose?

What are you thankful for Saint Rose?

Staff Writer

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, many students are thinking hard about what they are most thankful for this year. For most, we are grateful to have safe classes in person again, another year of life, the ability to celebrate the holidays with loved ones, etc. Personally, I am very grateful to be able to attend most of the fun events hosted on campus since this is my senior year. I’m glad things are getting back to normal so I can enjoy my last year at Saint Rose. I have asked a few students on campus what they are thankful for this year, so let’s see what they have to say!

“I am thankful for the bunnies that are always around campus, because whenever I see one on the campus green, my day gets so much better,” stated Saul Z., co-president of the Identity club, when asked what he was thankful for. Hugo Triminio, a junior, stated, “I am grateful for the Huether School of Business and all of the kind, helpful professors there.” Anita Sanchez-Garcia, RA of Alumni Hall and member of SEB, said this year, “I am so grateful for Theresa Belfance, Interim Coordinator of Student Life. She has saved me on more than one occasion, and I am so happy I have her help through everything!” Senior, Danielle Smith, stated, “I am thankful for the sanctuary and the career center on campus. They give so many important opportunities to students.” Daria Gorska, a senior, stated, “This year, I am thankful for all of my friends and family! I’m also grateful to be able to finally graduate this May!” I agree, Daria! I can’t wait to graduate this year.

Alejandra Morillo, another member of SEB and RA, stated, “I am thankful for the sanctuary and how it provides a safe space for the campus community.” Having a place where everyone is welcome and safe is very important to campus life. Another senior, Hailey Alexis, stated, “I’m grateful for being able to actually have in person classes this semester. I personally forgot how engaging the professors here at Saint Rose can be and how much I actually enjoy getting up and going to class.” She definitely hit this spot on; many of the students have forgotten how enjoyable in-person classes can be when you have the right professor. Many students are grateful this semester to be able to attend in person classes, see their favorite professors, and their friends during class.

It is very important to recognize things that you are grateful for in your everyday life to help yourself see things from a glass-half-full perspective. Taking a step back and reflecting on the bright side always helps things seem just a bit brighter. After going through the pandemic, it is even more important now than ever before to be thankful for what you have. Whatever you may be doing for Thanksgiving, don’t forget to step back and reflect on what you are thankful for.


News Editor

I am thankful for my lovely cat, Tinker. Although she pretends she doesn’t like me most of the time, she brings a very playful atmosphere to my home. She loves to pose for photos and run in circles at 3 a.m. Overall, I love her with all my heart and hope she loves me back.


Executive Editor

I am so, so thankful for my cat, Oliver. He is so sweet and fun, life is much more exciting and special with him. I have an abundance of gratitude for him choosing to have this bond with me.


Layout Editor

This Thanksgiving, I am most thankful for my family, friends, and boyfriend, and their health and safety! I am also so thankful my fellow Chronicle Editors and all their hard work!


Opinions Editor

I am so grateful for the people I have in my life, my family and all my friends. This has been a year absolutely full of ups and downs and they have stuck by me and supported me. I could not have pictured this year without them.


Arts Editor

I am thankful for my fur baby, Jared. Even though I’ve only had him a year, he has brought so much joy into my life. He runs around like crazy and makes a mess, but he’s my mess and we love each other (even if treats usually keep us together), Team Jared all the way.


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