HomeNEWSTyler Warren: The Man, The MOE

Tyler Warren: The Man, The MOE

Opinions Editor

You might know him as the guy who does the Calendar of Events announcements every Monday on the official College of Saint Rose Instagram story, or his pseudonym, Mars. Tyler Warren, 21, from Monroe in Orange County, has spent his past four years at Saint Rose and is set to graduate in the class of 2019.

Tyler Warren is no doubt a people person. He could be hanging out in the Main Lounge or Camelot in the Events and Athletic Center for about an hour and there’s a good chance that he will know most of the people walking through, he’ll say hi and ask them how they are doing.

When coming to the College of Saint Rose in the Fall of 2015, Warren started as an Art major with a concentration in Graphic Design. By the end of his freshman year, he switched to be a Business major with a concentration in Marketing.

“You can always rely on him to be there for you in any situation. He has a bright personality and just brings a smile to anyone around him, the times we have hated just chilling on the quad, hanging with friends in Camelot, or enjoying events like Rose Rock have been unforgettable” said John Graham, a senior Adolescence Education 7-12 Mathematics major and Computer Science minor.

While he was growing up, Warren always had a strong passion for any kind of art as his sister is an artist. However, the studio art path he was taken on wasn’t for him. Even though he switched to Business, he was able to keep his passion for art in a different major.

“Business makes the world go round,” said Warren.

He was inspired to start studying Marketing by locally owned companies in his town because of their poor advertising strategies.

In the summer of 2018, Warren was told by his boss at his internship that the fear of missing out is they key to marketing and how consumers don’t want to miss out on opportunities.

“Take Saint Rose for example… ‘There’s no place like Saint Rose.’ It’s a home field, you live with the people you’re friends with. It’s marketed like a family away from home -family. Saint Rose is the community who cares. They stick together,” said Warren. “The faculty is here to help you graduate and are here for extra help. They push you to do your best.”

In the Fall 2018 semester, Warren started his internship at Marketing Department at The College of Saint Rose. His role as an intern was to be the photographer, video editor, and content creator. The idea to start doing Instagram stories and posting more came from another intern but they weren’t available on Mondays, so Warren took on the role.

“It’s to stay relevant,” said Warren.

On top of his internship, he was taking on 22 credits for the Spring 2019 semester. After he switched majors, he had three years to catch up with his schedule as a business major.

To pull himself together, he could not do it alone.

“It’s all about reciprocating energy. All the love and support from my followers, not just the ones on Instagram. They’re there to help me and push me through. If I didn’t have that, I wouldn’t be able to do it,” said Warren. “I have no choice to give it back. It feels good to give back.”

With the help of Warren and his friends, they formed a group called “The Moes,” which stands for “Men of Excellence, Equality, and Equity.” To Warren, what it means to be “a Moe” is they “have to feel comfortable to be yourself.”

With “The Moes,” he had a podcast during the Fall 2017 through Spring 2018 school year about politics, gender roles, sports, school, food, pop cultures, personal lives, intercultural interaction, and started off promoting University at Albany events then started to talk about serious stuff like racism.

“Tyler asked me to help him with his podcast to get more insight on political arguments such as the kneeling for the national anthem. Also, he wanted to get more of my opinion on what I think about city life because I am from a very rural area. Most of the time he wanted to ask me what I thought about his topics that were more relatable towards young black men and women. He wanted to get an outside opinion on his topics,” said Cole Ives, a senior Social Work major.

He also tried to start a magazine called “Collegehood” to show readers what people in college are like. Due to his busy schedule, he was not able to launch it.

“Even though I have never been a part of a single club on campus. I have helped film and publicize their content,” said Warren. “There wasn’t one club that I could restrict myself to. I didn’t know what to pick.”

Warren has helped lots of people in the Saint Rose community in multiple ways and has helped get out of their comfort zone.

“My first impression was that he is so nice and confident and that he has such a big personality. I look up to him as a leader. He is kind to everyone and can start a conversation with anyone. He is so hard working and pushes me to work hard. He is nice to just be around,” said Sarah Sharkey, a freshmen Business Administration major.

“My family is my support group at home and strose is my support group away from home,” said Warren.


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