HomeOPINIONTrump Ending Birthright Citizenship? Fake News.

Trump Ending Birthright Citizenship? Fake News.

By Ameara Ditsche
Staff Writer

The United States Constitution lies out several different paths to citizenship. To fall under birthright, those born in the United States, or to a United States citizen. Trump claimed he plans to and can end this policy. Not only is this directly racist and a violation of rights, but he could never actually achieve it.

The Fourteenth Amendment specifically established Birthright Citizenship as a concept. For Trump to take it away, he would have to amend the Constitution. Despite his powers as president, he can’t just wave his magic wand and make it happen.

Executive orders can not interfere with the osnitutti union. Amending the constitution is not an easy task, hence why it isn’t done often. Two thirds of both houses of congress must deem it necessary and then it is passed to state legislatures, were there must also be a two thirds agreement.

With a majority Democrat House now, and the most populous states having more seats in their state Senate, it would be practically impossible to Trump to make the changes required to pass this into law.

Trump is obviously doing this as an attempt to combat the common tactic of “anchor babies.” An Anchor Baby is a child born in the United States to non-citizens, in hopes that when their legal residency is up, it is easier to stay in the U.S. during the excruciatingly long waiting period for a naturalized citizenship.

If Trump were to revoke the citizenship of those children, then he would be making it harder for immigrants to stay here.

Trump again is acting on the ritz assumption that all immigrants are illegal and with criminal intent. He is still failing to realize that not only is the percentage of criminal immigrants very small, but that his racist policies are also impacting the immigrants he doesn’t hate.

Trump has expressed a clear preference for immigrants from white, european countries. Then he goes and puts forth policies like this, which affect them too. He is so delusional and clouded by his musty, racist views that he is not only harming our country and its progress, but now himself as well.

While I can’t say I would necessarily lose sleep over Trump being harmed, I’d like to see it done in a way that isn’t just a side effect of a plague to the whole nation.

One of Trump’s main arguments is that the fourteenth amendment was originally intended to help serve those who were born here to citizens, and not with illegal immigration in mind. This may be true, but the constitution was written by men who were essentially illegal immigrants, before the idea of “illegal” immigration even existed.

This whole notion is similar to all of Trump’s hatred towards DACA. He would be punishing children who had no control, for the decisions of their parents. If a child is born within the physical, geographical borders of the United States, then they are guaranteed citizenship. There is no extra clause closing loopholes that would be created years later.

Trump is flip-flopping here, on other issues like gun control he is a true conservative and sticks to the constitution exactly as it was written like bible. But when it serves his own personal agenda, he is willing to bend it.

Not only is Trump’s ‘plan’ racist and morally corrupt, it is downright stupid and poorly thought out. It is doomed to fail. These policies are not agreeable in anyway, but they aren’t a cause of concern since they will never go through.

Trump is cherry picking conservative with less and less people on his side as his term continues.


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