HomeARTS“The King’s Jester” is royally impressive

“The King’s Jester” is royally impressive

By AMEREA DITSCHE, Editor-in-Chief

Following a headline-heavy couple of years, Hasan Minhaj’s second comedy special, “The King’s Jester,” premiered on Netflix Oct. 4. The charming comedian accentuated his adeptful act with his unique perspective. He nodded to his cultural upbringing, a huge theme in his earlier work, and circled back to the present, touching on his newfound fame and power.

Pulling from his roots in satirical news program “The Daily Show,” Minhaj shows off his ability to be political without hinging on just ragging on either side of the spectrum. He discusses several issues like censorship or racism, even the still mysterious Epstein scandal. What makes this possible is his acute self-awareness. There is no desperation to shed the label of clueless millennial dad. He simply perfected that perspective. This self-awareness made for a semi-meta vibe as he delved into his need to be famous in the first place.

Minhaj has mastered physical comedy and highlighted this skill gorgeously in this special with considerate cinematography. We were given so much more than audience reactions and a medium shot of the comic pacing the stage. On center stage stood a large gray stool-like round bench. The unique shape and design gave his slouching and flailing a more purposeful effect. When combined with the visuals projected behind him, what he calls, “PowerPoint comedy,” a sense of credibility is provided. The high-tech feel made for an entire experience.

If there is one thing audience’s love, it’s drama. We love to hear the salacious inner workings of the lives of people we don’t know. Especially when those people are rich celebrities, we see one manicured side of. Forget that these hilarious anecdotes are also curated for our enjoyment, we feel special learning something new about someone we consider elite. Well, Hasan Minhaj made us feel really special. Again, using his expert control of his body to enhance his jokes, his big eyes accentuate serious tales with a spot of humor. The determined innocence in his stare lingers just long enough to force you to laugh. He told serious stories concerning his family, mentioning his wife threatening to leave him. He told stories from fatherhood I wouldn’t retell to anyone with a weak stomach. This inside look at his life made him even funnier. Hasan Minhaj isn’t funny just like any comedian, he’s like your funniest friend. He makes himself the butt of the joke enough that the vulnerability is palpable, allowing for a united sense of comfort. At ease, we all laugh a little harder, never afraid of being silly, because he’s always sillier.

In addition to standing out in innovative ways, Minhaj is no stranger to the classics. Peppered in amongst the creativity is our favorite played out punchline—penises. One of the aforementioned intimate anecdotes he told was his recounting of a trip to a fertility doctor. In a turn of events anyone would dread, the doctor was an old friend. The guy looking at his apparently faulty genitals was a loose acquaintance, eager to catch up. The audience felt his dread, whether you were there live or at home on the couch binging Netflix. When playing off his familial struggles, he cracked a sex joke, giving us a peer into how his humor permeates his personality and everyday interactions.

“The King’s Jester” was impressive, soaring past already high expectations. Hasan Minhaj brings a “smartest guy in school” touch to the effortlessness of comedy. He is exceptionally prepared. His whip smart commentary is not accidental; he truly understands everything he jokes about, and you can tell by how he does it. Never does he go for the low hanging fruit, even on easy targets, like Jared Kushner. To see how he metaphorically murders the MAGA puppet, you’ll just have to watch for yourself.


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