HomeARTSThe Blue Scrubs Are Back!: Predictions for Season Eleven

The Blue Scrubs Are Back!: Predictions for Season Eleven

Contributing Writer

For almost 10 years now, the blue scrubs of Grey’s Anatomy has captured the attention of a wide audience across America. There is a character for just about anyone to relate to when watching. We’ve watched the journey of these doctors straight out of medical school all the way to becoming hospital owners and residents. For those of us who are loyally addicted to the series, it’s almost like we feel what each character feels.
We know what they essentially want, we know whom they love, and we know where they want to be in the long run. The main characters Meredith Grey, Derek Shepard, Christina Yang, etc. have all come a very long way. I mean, let’s be real, it took Meredith and Derek all of about three seasons to finally be together with each other in commitment through a little yellow Post-it note that they hold as their wedding vows.
Christina Yang, who is Meredith’s best friend in the show, was always very work oriented; she was never one who was in tune with her inner feelings. For Yang, it’s always about what her next surgery will be on, and what breakthrough she can create while doing so. It’s sad that she will not be returning to the show, but I wouldn’t doubt if she made appearances; she can’t just disappear like that.
I really have to give Shonda Rhimes some serious credit with this show. She always has us at the edge of our seats with what’s going to happen next. Let me not forget to mention how much trauma she has put into each of these character’s lives.
They have all been through some things that no human being should have to encounter. The season finale with the hospital shooting is a good place to start. Having Derek Shepard, “McDreamy” get shot in the heart? Is she crazy? You can’t kill Derek Shepard! Thankfully he’s still around. As is that experience wasn’t bad enough, the airplane disaster season finale was even worst.
Now we lost two MAJOR characters in that episode into the following season; Lexi Grey, who was Meredith Grey’s sister, and Mark Slone who was Derek’s best friend as well as Lexi’s on- and-off boyfriend. Poor Lexi’s body was crushed underneath the wing of the plane, and Mark suffered heart trauma that could only keep him alive for so much longer, not to mention that he obviously saw no purpose to live and fight for his life as Lexi was gone, so shortly after Lexi he died, too. I often imagine Shonda Rhimes almost laughing when she watches these episodes saying to herself, “My audience thinks they know what’s coming next.” Another major event Shonda Rhimes decided to throw into the show was all of the main characters putting their settlement money from the plane crash in to buying the hospital they worked at, lived at, and loved.
Who could have ever imagined these surgery and groundbreaking doctors would ever own this hospital. There are so many things to mention that Shonda has put us as the audience through, but I love it! However, I still think at some point Dr. Webber needs to become Chief again, only because he looks stupid not being the chief as Owen Hunt tries his best.
This new 11th season of this is going to be interesting, I won’t be able to get enough of it. Christina will no longer be in the show after 10 seasons of being a key component in the storyline. Last season ended with Yang and one of the interns Shane Ross leaving to Switzerland for Yang to run a hospital that was given to her by her old boyfriend Dr. Preston Burke.
The position that was offered to her was something that she could only dream of, and she made the difficult decision to move and begin her new life. Meredith and Christina are the greatest team of best friends ever in my opinion. There was a line that Meredith said a few season back to Christina, and I’ll never forget it, “I know, Derek may be lover, but you…you are my soul-mate, you are my person.” I thought that those were such powerful words to say to someone who just understands everything about you. Because of the tight bond they had with each other, it’s going to interesting to see how Meredith adjusts. Along with her, Dr. Hunt will also have an interesting change to make as he was always madly in love with Yang. Will he find love elsewhere? Derek has a job offer in Washington DC, so are the Grey’s and Shepard’s moving? Dr. Richard Webber also found out that Meredith’s late mother whom he had relationships with might have had another daughter that just might be his own. There are so many answers to be had at the beginning of this new eleventh season of Grey’s Anatomy. So put on your scrubs, and let’s get ready to enter the hospital once more on Thursday Nights at 9pm EST on channel 10 ABC.


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