HomeNEWSThe 2015 Senior Exhibition: Stronger Than Ever

The 2015 Senior Exhibition: Stronger Than Ever

By Soleil Paz
Staff Writer

On April 10, the Esther Massry Gallery held its reception for the 2015 Senior Exhibition, running under the title, “We’re Stronger Than Ever.” The show features advanced work created by seniors majoring in art education, studio art, and graphic design. It is the show that family, friends, and every distant relation is invited to, and for that reason that it is one of the most-visited events, and one of the larger, more anticipated gallery openings throughout the 2014-15 school year.
The artwork currently displayed in the gallery took the better part of the semester to complete. For anyone majoring in any of the fine arts, the senior show is the biggest exhibition of their undergraduate career. Every year, the exhibition serves as an outlet for seniors to show off and be tested, simultaneously. This year, over 500 people attended the gallery reception.
From assignment to installation to execution, a significant amount of planning went into the event. The show took about three weeks to install, the process of which drew many passing students’ curiosity. While installation was in progress, each senior had their own spot in the gallery in which they could display their work however they wished. Moreover, fitting the work of the entire senior class of forty people into the gallery was a new feat, as there is usually some overflow.
Gallery director Jeanne Flanagan was able to speak with The Chronicle on the topic, explaining the amount of work that went into planning and executing the event. Overall, Flanagan expressed complete satisfaction with the repertoire, and appreciation for the art class of 2015. Said Flanagan, “The seniors have really been terrific… After four years of hard labor in the art department, they have produced some really strong work and were able to show just a little bit of it here.”
Among the gallery’s guests was Saint Rose president Carolyn Stefanco, who agreed, “I love it… I love being here with the students and their families and friends, and seeing all their hard work pay off.” Many professors visiting the show also stressed the importance of having such representation of the college’s art department on campus.
Seniors have been anticipating their exhibition for months, some perhaps years. The increased traffic made the crowd difficult to navigate, and conversations grew to shouting levels, but there was no senior who was not smiling. Janna Czepiel, a graphic design major and one of the artists in the exhibition, commented, “It’s such an exciting night. We are all so happy that everything is done and it’s like we’re rounding up the year.”
Getting their work finished and submitted was a hectic process. Pieces in the show were products of the students’ senior theses that were started a few months before, though some works, such as Jeremy Fink’s photography series “The American Lens,” took years to complete. And since this was a conglomeration of works from every discipline of art offered at the school, there was much leeway in regards to what kinds of pieces could be displayed.
The media of the exhibited work ranged from things like Kelli Lovdahl’s layered photographs to Jessica McDonnell’s delicately cut prints, Nick Mino’s copper wire sculpture to Amanda Bovee’s interactive web display. Video, audio, dollhouses, snowboards, take-away pins—the variety was extensive and inspiring.
For younger students in the art department, the senior exhibition is a great opportunity every year to see what is in the future and what the graduating class leaves them with. It was another learning experience for those who are coming next.
Graphic design major Dani Dayton explained, “These guys set the bar pretty high. Having them as a bunch of my close friends, and as a junior, it’s super tough to live up to them, but it’s been great having them as influence and inspiration.” Throughout the reception, countless underclassmen observed and commented with general admiration, and more importantly, aspiration to ultimately get to the point where the class of 2015 is now.
Said senior graphic design major Will Mintzer, “This event is so much bigger than everything we did for the event.” Being placed under the title “We’re Stronger Than Ever,” the sense of unity amongst the gallery’s visitors, and the rewards of that labor was ever-present.
The 2015 Senior Exhibition will remain on display from April 7 to 19. Those who have not yet seen the work of Saint Rose’s soon-to-be graduates are strongly encouraged to investigate.


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