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Something Sour, Something Sweet: Sweet Movies for Christmas

Staff Writer

It’s that time of the year again! Christmas is here! While we are busy taking our final exams, we are dreaming of cookies, family, and gifts. I know I am.  Everyone has certain Christmas traditions. Some of my family’s are to watch Christmas movies! As my last review of the semester I give you, my loyal readers, my favorite films of the Christmas season.

7. The Nativity Story (2006) – Christmas is originally a celebration of the birth of Jesus. I like this movie because it shows a more historically accurate vision of his birth, like casting non-white or Middle Eastern actors in the lead roles. The film gives Mary and Joseph character arcs and spends time developing their relationship. I enjoy the scenery and the ending is beautiful.

6. Die Hard (1988)- Yes this counts as a Christmas movie. John McClane gives the Christmas gift of saving us from Hans Gruber. It gives us another perspective of what can go wrong on holidays, like Evil Snape holding you hostage.  But in the Christmas spirit, the day is miraculously saved and our faith in humanity is restored.

5. The Muppet’s Christmas Carol (1992) – Muppets can make anything better! I love this twist on a classic story. Michael Cain does a convincing job as Mr. Scrooge, but the real stars of the movie are the Muppets. Good old Kermit the frog and Miss Piggy as the Cratchits make me laugh. The best part is the return of the Saldorf and Watler (The Critics) as the ghosts of Marley. It’s an enjoyable time all around.

4. A Christmas Carol (1999) – This is my favorite interpretation of A Christmas Carol. It stars Patrick Stewart in the title role. The acting is brilliant and this is how I picture the story happening. Stewart brings depth to the character and it makes his journey all the more meaningful in the end.  Seeing the new Scrooge at the end warms your heart with the Christmas spirit.

3. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966) – Forget Jim Carrey’s version, this is the Grinch. The animation is wonderful and the Grinch’s expressions are deviously fun. Christmas time is not complete without the song “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch” by Thurl Ravenscroft. It’s descriptive and witty lyrics are fun to sing. The Grinch is Dr. Seuss’ unique spin on the true meaning of Christmas. It’s not about the gifts; it’s about spending it with the people you love.

2.  A Christmas Story (1983) – This is about the one Christmas we all remember, the one where we got the gift we had been dreaming of for months.  All Ralphie wants for Christmas is an Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action 200-Shot Range Model Air Rifle with a compass in the stock, and this thing which tells time. But he’s warned “You’ll shoot your eyes out!” Ralphie’s quest for his gift gets sidetracked by the antics of his family, friends, and the neighborhood bullies. With so many memorable scenes and lines, this is the Christmas Movie everyone needs to see once.

1. Christmas Vacation (1989) – This is the movie that my family can never skip watching. Overachieving and delusional, Clark Griswold wants to have the perfect family Christmas. But reality quickly interferes with is plans, creating one of the best comedy of errors about the holidays. Clark has to deal with rude neighbors, his crazy relatives, a mean boss, and a squirrel in his Christmas tree. But in a true Christmas fashion everything comes together in the end, even if it is in an unconventional way.

I hope this gives you ideas about what to watch over break. Have a happy holiday, and may it be filled with good food and family. See you next semester.


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