


Self-care means putting your health (physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual) as a priority. Taking care of yourself helps you generally feel better, decrease your stress, and allows you to improve in all aspects of your life. As we start the spring semester, think about incorporating ways to take care of yourself now and maintain it as the semester gets busier.

Here are some self-care activities you can try. You don’t have to stress about doing them all – find things that work for you.

Physical Care:

Sleep – your body and brain need to recharge.
Setting a regular sleep schedule helps your brain and body function better. Getting 7 to 8 hours is best.
Short naps (15 to 20 Minutes) help to recharge your batteries.
Sleep comes easier if you wind down and unplug an hour before bed.
Eat – your body needs fuel.
Eat a variety of foods – even try something new!
Mix in fruits and veggies.
Drink – your body needs hydration.
Drink water—it is good for you.
Decrease caffeine intake—it may rev you up for a short time, but the crash takes energy resources away.
Move – sitting a lot isn’t good, and your muscles need attention, too.
Talk a short walk or a run.
Go to the gym or the pool.
Stand and stretch.
Breathe – your body needs oxygen.
Take some deep cleansing breaths.

Mental/Emotional Care:

Avoid cramming – it causes stress.
Use a planner/organizer/calendar to put all your due dates and responsibilities on it.
Space out your studying and get things done before the due dates.
Laugh – it reduces stress.
Watch something funny.
Joke around with friends.
Relax and be creative – it reduces stress.
Sing to your favorite artist, dance in your room, color, knit, write, find a hobby (perfection not required).
Keep a journal or a blog for your inner thoughts.
Make sure to reflect on the good things and accomplishments in your life.
Reach out to someone you trust when you need to work through something or if you feel alone.
Seek out help when things seem tough.

Social Care:

Talk with your social supports (friends, family) regularly.
Go out with friends and do something fun.
Join a group with people that have similar interests.

Spiritual Care:

Practice mindfulness or mediation – Check out apps such as Calm, Headspace and Aura.
Take a moment of quiet reflection or prayer in a quiet space.
Try yoga at the Hubbard Interfaith Sanctuary – it also gets your muscles stretched.
Go to a spiritual/religious activity – Spiritual Life has a list of local faith communities and groups.
Put a little self-care and wellness into each day!

If you would like to discuss self-care, or if you want to come talk about anything, reach out to the Counseling Center. Come see us at 441 Western Ave. for an initial screening session. We also have evening hours! We are open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Tuesday and Thursday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Please call 518-454-5200 with any questions. Follow us on Instagram @csrcounselingctr to learn about upcoming events.


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