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Saint Rose Television Club

Staff Writer

The Saint Rose television club (SVTV) is a new club created by freshman Samuel Lund, who is the club’s president. The people who assist him in running this club include Vice President Theodore Stabile, Secretary Tanner Coon, and Treasurer Kimberly van Vloodorp-Taylor.
The message of SRTV is simple; as stated in its constitution, “This club will provide news about school, class cancellations, sports, other clubs and their activities, helpful tips, weather, and other various segments that might interest our members and/or our school community.”
“Before I came to the school I wanted to make a TV club and realized we didn’t have one,” said Samuel Lund. His dream became a reality when he reached out and came in contact with professor Elizabeth Richards, who assisted him in getting this club off the ground and became SRTV’s advisor.
The club meets twice a week, on Monday and Wenesday. Mondays at 4:30, production meetings are held in which people enter the studio and begin filming. General meetings are held on Wednesdays at 4:00 and these meetings allow club members to spitball future episode ideas, edit episodes, and make sure everyone is on the same page.
The interest meeting was held on October 31 and received a good turnout. Vice President Theodore Stabile was unaware of the club itself until noticing a poster for it about five minutes prior.
The number of people attending the meetings began to dwindle each week, until a close-knit family of seven was created- a family welcoming newcomers with open arms. Asked what his view of the club was, Stabile stated, “this club is similar to ‘The View’ except it’s featuring students and actual topics, rather then woman past their prime who talk about absolutely nothing for an hour.”
“Had Sam not made the club, I was going to,” said treasurer Kimberly van Vloodorp-Taylor. No matter what the position, she knew she wanted to be involved and decided that running for treasurer would be perfect for her, due to her love of math.
This club has some amazing concepts and plans to upload four videos a week, beginning March 31, onto their YouTube channel, SRTV. Monday’s posting will include “Saint Rose Fireside Chat” (SRFC), which is a 10-15 minute talk show which discusses current topics of interest, along with a 10-15 minute episode of “One Take Tutorials” (OTT).
On Thursdays they hope to upload an episode focused on the news and another videgame or movie review.
To check out what the television club had planned, attend a meeting or stop and be part of history for the SRTV’s premier. The premier starts at 7 p.m. on March 31 at MidKnight Eats. A bonus of attending the premiere is getting early access to two episodes not yet available.


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