HomeNEWSNew Theme House on Saint Rose Campus

New Theme House on Saint Rose Campus


Contributing Writer


The LGBTQ community is making great strides at The College of Saint Rose this year, and now The LGBTQ+ & Ally Theme House has made its debut. Mykha’el Wilson a graduate student at the college, believed that the campus needed a change when his friend was transitioning. He wanted them and others who are part of the community to be able to have a safe and enjoyable haven.

Wilson came up with the idea for the house last year in 2017 and is now the area coordinator. He was the former vice president of Identity, the LGBTQ+ and Ally club on campus. In order to make his dream a reality, Wilson brought his idea to Jennifer Richardson, director of Residence Life and Julianna Hart, assistant director of Residence Life. Richardson supported the idea of the house from the start. She was glad she was able to collaboratively work with students to bring the idea to fruition. 

“I think this theme house provides students with another housing option where they can be comfortable and supported by their peers,” said Richardson.

The on-campus house on Western Avenue has 11 residents. Anyone can be a part of the house. Students interested in living there fill out an application that is reviewed by Richardson, Hart, and Wilson. Even though the house is new, Wilson said he received a lot of interests for the house. He has plans for the house to be more than just a living space. He would like for it to become a practical leadership focused house where everyone can help and guide each other. 

“It’s a lovely experience and everyone clicked so easily because everyone is either a part of the community or very accepting of it. It was the first day moved in and I was already making friends with my housemates,” said Clayton Laquinta, a resident of the new theme house. The house is already making a difference in the Saint Rose community. 

Along with Saint Rose, many other colleges in the capital city area have taken initiative when it comes to safe spaces. The University of Albany has Gender Inclusive Housing that was established in 2012 by the Department of Residential Life. It provides rooms and suites on the campus where students of all sexes and gender identities can choose to live together. Their Residential Life’s policy states that it allows an environment where student housing is not restricted by traditional limitations presented by the current system that is based on the gender binary.

Siena College does not yet offer specific group or theme-related housing for solely LGBTQ students. Their policy states they strive to maintain a safe and inclusive community where individuals are respected, and differences are celebrated so they offer accommodations to help those who are transgender. Adam Casler, director of Community Living at Siena College said students who identify as transgender are asked to discuss their housing options, room assignments and/or the living environment at Siena College with the Director of Community Living or designee.

Richardson believes this house is making a step in the right direction for the college. The LGBTQ+ & Ally Theme House is the result of a student thinking about others and trying to make a difference on campus. Many people will leave a college campus if they do not feel like they belong and cannot live comfortably. 

“This house is helping those in the house gain a sense of community on campus,” said Wilson. 


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