HomeARTS"Inside Job" rejuvenates raunchy adult animation

“Inside Job” rejuvenates raunchy adult animation

Executive Editor

Adult animation has long been a fan favorite. Hits like “Bojack Horseman” and “Rick and Morty” have captivated fans, shifting thematically from early 2000’s classics like “South Park” or “Robot Chicken.” The raunchy, boundary pushing humor remains, but there is now a goal to cut deeper. Netflix, a streaming service turned production company, has joined the ranks. It’s most recent release, surpassing expectations and epitomizing the genre.

If you want cartoon characters saying wacky, taboo things, most of us immediately think of “South Park,” the satirical dark comedy following middle schoolers in Colorado, known for outrageous and offensive topics. However, next in line for the throne is Netflix’s newest animation, “Inside Job.”

“Inside Job” follows a task force at Cognito Inc, a company specializing in helping the ultra elite manage conspiracies. The task force is headed by Dr. Regan Ridley, a socially challenged scientist, joining her as a group of eccentric experts. Her right hand man is Brett Hand, a “yes-man” antithesis of her who was just handed the position. Their dynamic is endearing, in many ways they are each other’s first real friend. Regan is now comfortable talking to someone and opening up, and Brad, the extrovert of all extroverts, finally has something more substantial than frat bro fist bumps.

In addition to the newfound dynamic duo, a collection of charming oddballs forms Reagan’s taskforce. There is Dr. Andre, a drug obsessed chemist who manages every secret potion the elites need while providing the airy, fun commentary only a steady stream of psilocybin can provide. At his side is Magic Myc, a perverted magic mushroom from earth’s core who cracks the sarcastic, nihilistic remarks adult animation calls for. All of these brains would be at risk if it wasn’t for some brawn, filling that gap is Glenn Dolphman, a half-human half-dolphin supersoldier managing weapons and defense. Bridging the gap between these departments and the clueless public is Gigi Thompson, the confident and gorgeous PR Director who decides what we see. Each of these unique characters brings a different and valuable perspective to the vast subject matter. Their out of this world personalities are addictive to watch as their dynamic collides with unbelievable obstacles.

The show touches on almost every major conspiracy, from the JFK assasination to the existence of lizard people. We follow the team as we watch them navigate our world, on a completely different side.

Many conspiracy theories can be sorted into two categories, “things the government admitted to doing” or “blatant anti-semitism.” Respective examples include MK-Ultra and the belief that Jewish people secretly run the world. Inside job does a good job at straying from these stereotypes as they straddle the silly and the serious. They indulge into the characters’ personal lives to humanize the people you just saw make snarky comments about the state of the world.

Whip smart and hilarious dialogue dramatizes real life events. The crown jewel of episodes would be the creative spin on the classic fake moon landing theory. In “Inside Job” the U.S. did indeed land on the moon, but all the available footage is doctored recreations because all the astronauts aboard stayed up there to form a sex cult.

In the episode we follow Regan and her team as they meet Buzz Aldrin and the inhabitants of his kingdom. Shocking similarities between Reagan and Aldrin are highlighted and an affair between the moonwalker and Reagan’s mother is revealed. Reagan, ever frustrated at her flaky, self centered parents, is eager at the possibility. However, considering this fictionalized Aldrin is the kind of guy that started an Alien sex cult, surprise surprise, his morals fall to the wayside.

A fun to watch conspiracy that the show invents is Still Valley, a small town in Wyoming that has their memories erased every few years to remain perpetually trapped in the 1980’s. The government then sells outdated and recalled items to the citizens of Still Valley to avoid losing profits. The show is a perfectly executed satire that shows just how ridiculously cold capitalism is. It uses fun, wacky imagery to somehow create loveable characters out of the same elites the show is making fun of.

Constantly in Regan’s way is her own father, a disgraced scientist who previously held her position at Cognito Inc.. Her father is determined to expose the shadow government and their secrets. His plan exists adverse to Reagan’s dreams of heading the company. His character, genius and hilarious in his own right, creates believable and relatable setbacks that juxtapose our protagonist’s fantastical world. Her Dad does the same embarrassing things we’ve all experienced, but with the technology and motives of a mad scientist. Her family feud comes to a head in the season finale, leaving viewers insatiably waiting.

The show perfectly balances edgy humor that doesn’t make fun of anyone for natural traits, and endearing plots that bond you to the character’s managing the matrix. The dialogue not only fosters relationships that keep you invested, but is hilarious enough to make you forget you just watched 10 episodes. Reagan is awarded a storyline many women scientists are robbed of, she just gets to be smart. Her colleagues may crack jokes about her disheveled appearance or lackluster love life, but the writers don’t change her goals and force her into awkward romances. The show ends on a cliffhanger that left me in a real blistering anger, so I am anticipating Part 2’s 2022 arrival.

If you think “Rick and Morty” was a really good idea with poor execution, “Inside Job” will satisfy your search. Philosophical and moral questions are raised by raunchy madmen in a scientific setting. The strong female lead deters any stale and overused dudebro comedy that has become synonymous with the genre, allowing for a much more diverse and widely enjoyable show. It can be finished in a quick binge and your only complaint will be begging for more.


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