HomeOPINIONG4G: Not What You Would Expect

G4G: Not What You Would Expect

By Elyse Oosterman
Contributing Writer

“G4G, isn’t that a really religious group?” “So are you religious?” “Do you have to be religious to come to G4G?” “What’s the difference between your group and xyz group?”
I’m a part of Girls for God, or G4G, and I find myself having quite a few conversations about G4G that go a lot like the ones at the top of this article. But, there are so many more aspects than just the “4G” part of the title. Yes, we start and end most meetings with a prayer, and sometimes we use scripture as a part of our discussion, but there is so much more to this group.
Whenever I talk about G4G, I really struggle with whether I should even mention what the abbreviation means. Almost every time that I say what it means, I am very quick to add, “but we’re not just a religious group.” And we never force prayer, our opinions or going to church on someone who wants to join G4G.
We truly believe that every woman who crosses that threshold at the beginning of a meeting is on a journey. And that journey is different for every person and should be respected. Yet, no matter how many times I say it, I think that there’s still a general lack of understanding about what this group is truly about.
Let me take you back a few semesters, to my sophomore year, when G4G first started. The very first reason that I joined G4G three years ago was that I felt lost. I felt like I hadn’t really found a place on campus that was for me. I didn’t really have a good connection with other people on campus who I didn’t live with or go to class with. I felt like there wasn’t anything that made me excited beyond my classwork. It was to the point that I had considered transferring after my freshman year.
But after the first semester with G4G, things started to fall into place. I had a space that I felt like I was truly accepted for who I am, not what others expected from brief interactions or what others wanted from me. I could go and just listen if I wanted, or I could participate in the discussion. No matter what, there were other girls there who genuinely cared about me and about my life, and were willing to help me through the struggles that happen in college.
One of my favorite experiences through G4G is the retreat. Each year, we try to host a retreat for women. The first year it was held off campus, and last year it was held on campus. The retreat holds a special place in my heart because it’s a great way to take a break from everything on campus, even when we are technically on campus, connect with other people on campus who have similar struggles and hear more about other people’s lives. Throughout the retreat, there are talks that center on a theme, and then discussion and activities. There is also plenty of time for self-reflection, fun, and laughter.
And ultimately, I think that’s what G4G is about. Yes, God is involved, but we are a group of women who are here to support each other during a time in our lives that is full of changes, hard choices, fear, challenges, triumphs, joy and so much more. This group of ladies has supported me every step of the way, and I couldn’t picture my time at college any other way.


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