HomeOPINIONFired Up Over Serena’s Meltdown

Fired Up Over Serena’s Meltdown

Serena Williams is an American professional tennis player. She has won the second most singles titles (23) in Women’s Grand Slam tournaments of all time./ Wikimedia Commons

Staff Writer

What side of the net are you on? Even if you’re not into sports (which I am not), you should’ve heard of the controversy that happened during the 2018 US Open between Serena Williams and the final’s umpire in her game against Naomi Osaka.

Since I am sure no one actually saw the whole game including moments leading up to the dispute, I’ll catch you up to speed in order to make sure your opinion while reading this is valid and informed.

It might’ve been insinuated by the social media postings that Williams had a meltdown because she was accuses of cheating by the umpire, which indeed was the case, but the instances after also led to everyone being in an uproar over the game.

During the game Williams received three penalties for her conduct. The first penalty, which in the game, is considered a warning. She received a warning for getting a thumbs up which was apparently considered “off court coaching” something that is not allowed in tennis.

Williams then, received a point penalty for breaking her racket out of personal frustration while she was playing. Her third penalty, which is a game penalty, was for “verbal abuse” because she called the umpire a thief for stealing a point from her.

She felt as if the first offense, “off court coaching” shouldn’t have been counted because she did not receive coaching and that the only thing that should’ve been counted against her was her breaking her racket which would’ve only been her first penalty, a warning.

The first thing I said when the whole dispute was brought to my attention was “they don’t want to see her win.” We all know Serena is the G.O.A.T, no questions asked. However, Serena just returned to the court after having her first child.

Critics are questioning her greatness for this very reason and saying she won’t be able to play as well because she is a new mother and “her body is changing”.
Social media was quick to blame her “meltdown” to postpartum depression and being an “angry black woman” instead of justifying it because she was right for feeling the way she did.

I highly doubt Serena Williams was fighting because she wanted to win, although that would have also been a rightful justification, she has won countless of trophies, checks and other accolades for being the greatest in her field.

That’s not the point and I feel like people are calling her an “angry black woman” because they think she’s being a sore loser and that’s not the case. She lost the tournament and genuinely congratulated Naomi for winning with so much grace and poise (more than I would’ve had).

She disputed the calls and demanded respect from the umpire because if she hadn’t women, not only in tennis, but in all sports, would constantly be looked over and not given a fair chance.

Women deserve to be able to stand up for what they believe in and dispute a call just like any other man, in any other sport without being called a “sore loser,” “angry black woman” and any other harsh name in the book.

Not to take anything away from Naomi Osaka, who is also a young black woman (GO GIRL), because she played extremely well, but we will never know how that tournament would’ve ended had the umpire not cost Serena the game.

Serena has always been known for coming back in a tournament and beating her opponent when it looks absolutely impossible. She could’ve won or she could’ve lost had this dispute never happened but we will never know and that’s frustrating to both Serena and everyone who was rooting for her.

I am extremely proud of both women for demonstrating so much excellence and black girl magic on that court! The world wants to see women, especially black women, tear each other down and Naomi and Serena did the complete opposite by exuding grace.


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