HomeOPINIONEverybody Loves UMO

Everybody Loves UMO


Unified Mathematics Organization

QUESTION: How is the moon like a dollar?

Answer to Last Week’s: “Mathematical Awareness Month” is in April!

First order of business: this week was changing the name UMO from Undergraduate Mathematics Organization to Unified Mathematics Organization. We wanted to make sure that everyone felt included and welcome to join our organization. Every person in The College of Saint Rose can join and be involved no matter if they are a graduate student, undergraduate student, professor, or a non-mathematics major. This club is designed for all mathematic enthusiasts. Our goal as an organization is to discuss possible careers in mathematics. We also want to bring awareness about mathematics and its importance to our campus.

This past week, UMO celebrated Pi Day (3/14) by hosting a bake sale in the commuter lounge near Starbucks. The bake sale was a huge success for SUMO (Students of Unified Mathematics Organization). The fundraiser brought in over $150 that will be used in future UMO events. The success of the sale is thanks to everyone on the Saint Rose campus who stopped by and purchased the baked goods from us. A big thanks to the professors who donated food for us to sell, as well as the students who donated food and gave up their time to collect money and discuss our club to people who stopped by. On Pi Day, Chalk Maverick wrote out 2,013 digits of Pi. It spanned around the campus quad. This is a new world record that was recorded by Universal Record Data Base. Chalk Maverick was very excited about setting this world record. They have big plans for next year to top this achievement.

Future meetings for UMO will be on March 22nd and April 5th at 2:30 p.m. in Albertus Hall room 101. In these meetings, we are looking to discuss plans for Mathematical Awareness Month, the entire month of April. UMO will continue to promote and recognize accomplishments made in the field of mathematics.

Another event on our agenda is continuing to plan for our trip to the MoMath museum in New York City on April 6th. This museum is geared towards younger kids, but gives great ideas to all education majors as to how to make mathematics come alive in the classroom. This is not just for education majors, but for every person who has an interest in this field. It is sure to be a great trip and a lot of fun for everyone involved.

UMO has been taking on a lot of events and doing great things for the first semester. We have had a lot of assistance from students, professors, and other clubs on campus to help promote our name as a newly developing organization.

Another event UMO has decided to participate in is Relay for Life on April 26th. The club is looking forward to being involved in this fundraiser for such a good cause. In future meetings, we will be discussing activities we will be bringing to Relay for Life.

Please feel free to contact Danielle Heidcamp if you have any suggestions or questions for Unified Mathematics Organization at heidcampd075@strose.edu.


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