HomeOPINIONBernie Sanders Touched My Hand, Donald Trump Made Me Mad

Bernie Sanders Touched My Hand, Donald Trump Made Me Mad

Opinion Editor

April 11, 2016 was an unforgettable day of political rallies in the Capital Region. Ohio Governor John Kasich held a town hall meeting at La Salle Institute. The event drew around 350 people. Vermont Senator Bernie Sander’s rally at the Washington Armory housed 4,000 people, with 2,000 unable to get in. More than 10,000 people attended Donald Trump’s rally at the Times Union Center.
It was certainly a day that went down in Albany history, as never before has the city had this much attention on itself during the political primaries.
It was an unbearably long, yet exciting day. The announcement of Sanders’ and Trump’s rallies came mere days before the event. Fellow staff writer Ryan Carr and I were in line for Bernie Sanders at 9:30 in the morning. With cold temperatures and harsh winds, the long wait was hardly bearable.
What made this arctic wait worthwhile was the passionate crowd of supporters, lined up in anticipation. People held signs, and shouted their dissatisfaction with America. However, their voices were not tinged in anger. They were hopeful that Bernie Sanders will be the man to change the highly disproportionate wealth inequality in this country.
“Feel the Bern” and “I believe that we will win” were popular slogans roared throughout the day. Sanders merchandise was practically sold out, as people were upset about not being able to purchase the correct size of shirt. I sported a white “I love Bernie” t-shirt.
Once inside the arena, we were approached by Secret Service. One man brought us aside and asked us if we were excited for the event. As he witnessed our visible jitters, along with our Sanders t-shirts and buttons, he knew the answer was yes. We were invited to be on the stage behind the podium that Sanders spoke on. We were told that the role was extremely important, as our reactions to what Sanders was saying would influence the whole room.
A selected group of men and women, of all ages, some with babies, were selected to stand on the stage. We were told to sit on the side of stage, with our feet dangling. My back was already on the verge of a permanent paralysis after standing in the cold for so long, so I was extremely happy about this placement.
We were given signs, and proceeded to wait. After support speeches were given by different Sanders supporters, it seemed like the arena was going to explode in anticipation. The environment was warm and welcoming. The audience showed respect to each other, with no arguments or violence. Genuine excitement for the future of America filled the air.
Sanders has a commanding presence; some of this comes from his voice. His Brooklyn accent accentuates the way he says words such as “billionaire” and “the one percent.” It helps that whatever he is saying is in fact truthful, unlike other political rhetoric.
When listening to a Bernie Sanders speech, you cannot help but to admire his charisma, and observe his love for America. He is not a natural politician. Hillary Clinton said this about herself; but I truly beg to differ. Bernie Sanders has broken every stereotype of a politician; he has formed an organic campaign, free of super PACs and industry donations. He is a trailblazer.
After being inspired at the Sanders rally, it was time to attend the three-ring racially biased circus that was the Donald Trump rally. The event can simply be described by one word: scary.
There were drunk college students on the Albany CDTA, with “Make America Great Again” shirts and trucker caps on. They shouted belligerent nonsense on the bus, while continuing to drink. It seemed like they were staring at me, the Puerto Rican guy with a man bun.
While walking up to the Times Union Center, there were plenty of vendors selling Trump merchandise. “Hillary for Prison” was one of the more popular t-shirts being purchased outside of the arena. I felt terrible for the black workers who were forced to sell these Trump products and serve food to these ignorant people.
I heard racial epithets, prejudiced slang and vulgar language. This was all in the line to get into the arena. I made sure to sit far from the madness. A few irrelevant guest speakers gave poor speeches about Trump’s character. It almost seemed like standup comedy.
Trump eventually came out to music, as if the rally was a pop concert. “U.S.A” and “Trump” chants were popular throughout the night. Trump spent around an hour bashing Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and even President Obama. He did not unveil a tax plan, or discuss any concrete plans for diplomacy.
Instead he suggested that America make Mexico pay for a border wall. He went along to discuss our relationships with other countries such as Saudi Arabia. He raised awareness to issues that interest his crowd, which is largely foreign diplomacy or anything military-centered.
Nothing that Donald Trump said was in anyway beneficial to helping the economy or the people of this country. What he fails to realize is that foreign relations is only one component of being president. He needs to foster a healthy environment for millennials to thrive as professionals in the working world. He needs to make equal pay for men and women a mandate. He needs to reassure the country that millions will not be left without some type of health care. But, that would be asking too much. His brain seems to be locked away in another time zone. He is infuriating to listen to.
Trump kicked out protesters, and called them names. He was fostering a hostile environment of violence. The random fights and arguments that broke out only furthered the insecurity I had being there. Trump kicked out multiple Bernie supporters in the audience.
After this, he had the nerve to say that a Trump rally is the safest place anyone can be, because of all the security. He was right in saying that Trump events have ample security. While his brash attitude may be an act, his words incite violence. Trump is catering to a demographic sick of a “politically correct” world. They are tired of being overlooked. Not to compare Trump supporters to vermin, but they gather in small communities and fester, until they are ready to infect the country.
Do not let this man poison the country more than he already has. After witnessing a Donald Trump rally, my anger towards him has only amplified. My distaste for the people that justify his intolerable words has increased. After leaving Bernie Sanders’ event, I felt optimistic about our nation’s future. Donald Trump will single-handedly destroy any hope that America has.
I have a news flash for Trump. America is already great. We are flawed, just like any other country. But America is a beautiful country, filled with talented people. With correct leadership, America can maintain its spot as one of the leaders of the world. Donald Trump will make us an embarrassment on the world stage. He is simply ignorant.



  1. No STOPPING ,Bernie Sanders /( Elizabeth Warren VP) is going on like this for last 32 Years, Defending and going against bad policies in this country, now this race gave him a voice and lets echo that VOICE and do you really think, he will quit right now? Neither him or we will NOT STOP . This idea and issues facing America will live on forever, IDIAS ARE BULLET PROOF, Bernie Sanders Changed American politic for ever if not of the World. He needs our Help ,anything you can effort. $10-$20-$30 anything, have your contribution in this agenda at least this way. send him few dollars, He fought and spent allot in New York against all odds and lowered the odds and Hillary did not win that much more delegates, BERNIE SENDERS is IN THIS UNTILL THE END. Lets help him ,all of us, lets Help him,BERNIE /WARREN 2016:)

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