HomeOPINIONA Woman’s Refusal To Sing The National Anthem

A Woman’s Refusal To Sing The National Anthem

Wolcott refused to sing the national anthem at a baseball game because she couldn’t have her gun with her/Wikimedia Commons

Staff Writer

A woman named Alisha Wolcott refused to sing the national anthem at the Reno Aces Nevada stadium before a baseball game because the minor league baseball team wouldn’t allow her to bring her gun.

According to Wolcott, she was bringing her gun to the stadium for protection and that she got her concealed weapons permit earlier this year.

She also stated that, she wears the gun or keeps it in a purse because she doesn’t feel safe walking at night in Reno.

It’s totally valid and she has the right to carry a gun around with a permit if she doesn’t feel safe walking around at night, but Walcott doesn’t need to have her gun with her during a baseball game for a few reasons.

First, she is not walking around in the open where people have weapons because the stadium has metal detectors in place prior to entering. Second, all she had to do was sing a three minute song and then she could’ve left and got her gun back if she left so unprotected without it. Lastly, no one was violating her Second Amendment rights. The stadium was only following the rule that they’ve had in place since 2009. The stadium has always banned weapons and is now requiring everyone to be checked by metal detectors before entering.

In my opinion, not singing the national anthem at a baseball game because you didn’t want to give up your gun for a small amount of time is not having any respect for the national anthem.

Another reason she gave for not singing the national anthem was, “by taking away their right to self-protection, all you have done is made them more vulnerable to attack. You have fallen prey to the absurd idea that American citizens need only trust their government for protection. This is indeed a lie and a blatant disregard for our constitutional rights.”

Since when is not allowing people to have weapons inside a stadium taking a person’s right to self-protection away? The last time I checked, people don’t need to have weapons inside a stadium especially during a minor league baseball game.

Another thing, the company that runs the stadium have not left people more vulnerable to attack because they do have security that are trained to protect people in case an attack does happen and there are also security cameras everywhere. So, no one is going to get away with “attacking” anyone at any stadium.

The company running this stadium have not fallen prey to the idea that only the government can protect them. If they truly believed this, why do they have metal detectors right outside their stadium that go off when someone has a concealed weapon in their pocket?

This company hasn’t lied to you lady, because why would have any reason too and also why would they want too? This company hasn’t ignored the people’s constitutional rights because if they had why have they banned weapons from their stadium since 2009. This rule is meant to protect everyone from getting seriously hurt from a concealed weapon. So, next time she might want to come up with a better reason as to why she refused to sing the national anthem.


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