HomeOPINIONA Feminist Blurb

A Feminist Blurb

Opinion Editor

It is truly shocking that the gender wage gap is extended to even the most talented actresses in Hollywood. Jennifer Lawrence recently wrote an essay in response to finding out her pay for “American Hustle” was significantly lower than that of Bradley Cooper, Christian Bale and Jeremy Renner. The Oscar winning actress penned an essay for Lenny Letter, a new feminist e-newsletter.
Lawrence earned $17.6 million for the film, while Cooper received $22.6 million. Both actors have supporting roles in the film, and received critical acclaim for their portrayals. This information involving salary, along with countless email exchanges between film industry workers were released as a part of the Sony hacking scandal.
Women in the workplace do not tend to negotiate their salaries. This may be out of fear of coming across as a bitch, or how Lawrence put it, “difficult or spoiled.” There is a long line of people waiting to have your job. Why question the dollar amount? Men do not have to worry about being seen as difficult. The actors of “American Hustle” certainly were not, when negotiating their salaries.
There is a horribly misguided stigma that any female who is in charge or proactive about her own career is seen as crazy and impossible to work with. This can be seen in all career paths, including the music industry. Nicki Minaj has said she is portrayed a bitch, while Lil’ Wayne is admired as a boss, for the same behavior.
Further stereotyping is being seen in Hilary Clinton and Carly Fiorina’s run for the White House. Both women have been judged on their looks and painted as overly passionate and unfit to run the nation. It is uncomfortable for some to see a woman as the Commander-in-chief of the army. They do not trust a woman making harsh decisions regarding foreign policy, and feel that they would make brash decisions due to their menstrual cycles or menopause.
What does it take to change societal stigma? It happens gradually, through the emergence of younger generations in the workplace. As our generation begins to start our own businesses and become managers, it is important we fix the gender pay gap. A woman still makes 78 cents to a man’s dollar.
This is not a woman’s issue, it is a family issue. That 22 cents a woman is not making is money not going towards feeding herself, or her family, if she has one. Men should be equally as concerned with the gender wage gap, as it affects their family income.
Lawrence’s essay in Lenny is just the latest to appear on headlines across the internet. Lenny was created by actress and known feminist Lena Dunham. There has been a much-needed resurgence in feminist support within the past few years, from celebrities and politicians alike. This is certainly necessary as women’s health is being debated in courts across the country.
Here’s to hoping continued discussion on the issues faced by women will translate into betterment.


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