HomeOPINIONThe Caitlyn Jenner Phenomenon

The Caitlyn Jenner Phenomenon

Opinion Editor

Caitlyn Jenner is perhaps the most talked-about celebrity of 2015. After coming out as transgender in a Diane Sawyer interview that captured 16.9 million viewers, it is safe to say Jenner is the most famous and socially-relevant person in the LGBT community at the moment.
America, for the most part, has welcomed Jenner with open arms. She has been well received, even receiving the Arthur Ash Courage Award at this year’s ESPYs. While there was much controversy, ESPN defended the decision.
“Jenner could have easily gone off into the sunset as this American hero and never have dealt with this publicly. Doing so took enormous courage,” said producer Maura Mandt to Sports Illustrated.
Jenner has no shortage of critics. Her docu-series, “I Am Cait,” has been seen as a ploy for television ratings, in an attempt to keep the Kardashian/Jenner family circulating on television and in tabloids across America.
While Jenner’s story does not necessarily have to be played out on reality television, it does serve as social commentary for issues facing the transgender community. If the show helps anyone struggling through gender issues, than it has served its purpose.
While “I Am Cait” is mostly about Jenner and her transition, it also features her new friends, who are also transgender. Candis Cayne and Jenny Boylan make multiple appearances on the show.
Conversation is key to resolving any type of bigotry. On the show, Jenner discusses the high suicide rates of transgender teens. She sits with members of the LGBT community, discussing the lack of employment in the trans community. This causes trans women to turn to sex work. This goes often undiscussed. Hormones are not readily available for those wanting to transition. When hormones are available, they come at a high price. With so many issues holding the transgender population back, Caitlyn Jenner has a lot on her plate as an unofficial spokeswoman of the community.
The question is, should she be a figurehead of sorts? She is certainly the world’s most recognizable transgender woman. People will naturally look for her input on issues facing the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.
While many are happy that she is able to live as her true self, others say that her privilege undermines her journey. Caitlyn Jenner has a net worth of $100 million. She is a rich white woman who can afford any surgery. Most transgender people do not have accessibility to top-notch doctors, hormones, and treatments like Jenner does. She is essentially the picture-perfect transgender woman. This is discussed on “I Am Cait.”
Jenner has been out as a transgender woman for around five months now. She has not had enough “experience” or knowledge about issues facing the LGBT community in order to properly represent it. In an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Jenner called herself a “traditionalist” when asked about gay marriage.
“I kind of like tradition, and it’s always been a man and a woman,” Jenner said. “I’m thinking I don’t quite get it. But as time goes on I like to think a lot of people on this issue have really changed their thinking here, so I don’t ever want to stand in front of anybody’s happiness. It’s not my job. If that word marriage is really, really that important to you I can go with it,” she said on the daytime talk show.
Ellen responded, “It’s funny because you’re still kind of a little not on board with it.”
Jenner said she is “OK” with it, citing that gay marriage is the “law of the land.” This interview gave Jenner her first real taste of backlash in the media as a woman.
Jenner is “OK” with gay marriage. Many will respond to this by asking how she can represent the LGBT community when she is still not completely for equality? It seems that Jenner misspoke. She is a conservative republican. She is a traditionalist. However, she did claim to be in support of gay marriage.
There was a topic brought up in the brainstorming for this article. Jenner did not choose to be associated with the “LGB” part of the LGBT community. She is a transgender woman. Is it fair to burden her with defending the LGB part of the LGBT community?
However, if she wants others to accept her, shouldn’t she be supportive of others? Jenner should try to avoid all future questions involving gay people, unless she is going to answer passionately and in full support of equality. Otherwise, she will receive a massive backlash from those who supported her in the first place.
The Caitlyn Jenner Halloween costume has also caused controversy. While dressing up in drag is considered a form of art, the costume is considered disrespectful.
It certainly is. Transgender people are not here for others to mock. It falls under the list of offensive costumes, in the company of Native American, Muslim and geisha-themed outfits. Jenner has spoken out about this.
“I’m in on the joke. I don’t think it’s offensive at all. I know the community does and they’ve gotten a lot of criticism for doing it. I think it’s great,” she said on “Today.”
The costume resembles the white ensemble Jenner wore on the cover of “Vanity Fair.” This is tasteful. It is what others plan to do with the costume that is disturbing. Putting something in the crotch, for example, would be an example of objectifying and mocking transgender women.
Like her or not, Caitlyn Jenner has taken 2015 by storm. The Olympian-turned-reality star has given new light to a community of people. Hopefully, this will lead to acceptance and sentiments of equality.


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